
Seytu Hand cream




As a gift with this product you can download the book Facial Care: Hydration-Cleansing-Exfoliation-Clarifying valued at $27 completely free. (Format:pdf, Language:English).

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Seytu Hand cream


The Seytu Hand cream Helps eliminate bacteria withour overdrying the skin. Provides excellent moisture. 100% free of alcohol. Your hands come into contact with many elements throughout the day. Now you can take care of them without drying them out.


As a gift with this product you can download the book Facial Care: Hydration-Cleansing-Exfoliation-Clarifying valued at $27 completely free. (Format:pdf, Language:English).

Weight 0.5 kg

Frutos Rojos, Sandía-Melón, Vainilla, Vainilla-Coco


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